by Martin Eliasson
Jiingi Histogram
This is an important histogram showing the scout group sizes going to Jiingijamboree, or Jiingi in short, the Swedish national jamboree of 2007.
My question is: isn't it hard to focus on the small group when we hardly have small groups at all?
The histogram shows the number of groups having 1,2,...117 members going to Jiingijamborii. Remeber, a group may consists of scouts ages 10-11 (junior scouts we call them), 12-15 (patrull scouts we call them), 16-18 (senior scouts we call them) and leaders.
Personally I feel you need a minimum of two 10 scouts + 2 leaders to make something of a scout group in the age group 13-15. As you can see in the histogram, quite many groups have big time trouble reaching this size.
If this is representalble to how it looks in scout Sweden, we have a serious problem. If scouts do not want to join our camp when scouting celebrates 100 years since the frist camp that started it all, we have issues to deal with.