Via Goose Nätverket fick jag en inbjudan från Griebal i Spanien om sammarbete via Erasmus+ (ersätter Youth In Action) men om det inte säger något så gör det inget.
From the Griebal Scout Center we are interested in participating in two
actions of the new Erasmus programme and would be glad to be able to bring
members of your associations to work with us this summer.
-EVS projects “Youth for Biodiversity”: SVE 5 months in which volunteers
carrie out environmental activities (free of charge) with groups camping in
the Scout Centre. We also carry out this project in localities near Griebal.
All the project costs are subsidized within the Erasmus programme
-Exchange project: during the month of August 2014 we want to prepare a
meeting between monitors or staff of Scout centres in different countries in
order to carry out an analysis of the current situation of associationism in
general and of the social and educational work of centers Scouts in
particular, as well as several days of field work. We will need one or two
partners that contribute 10 people to the project. This project is funded by
the Erasmus programme (it is only necessary to provide 30% of the travel
We would be interested in working with volunteers of your different
associations. As you know, we have great experience in the development of
European youth programmes thanks to the program “Youth in Action” and we
think that thanks to the development of these project we can strengthen ties
between the various members of the network.
För mer info kontakta Papa-G / program-Martin